Journeys Assisted Travel
Call Us: 503-319-8817
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to serving you
Estimated Pricing for Assisted Travel
The following estimates include standard transportation, meals & gratuities, lodging, admission to events, and a keepsake photo album. These rates are based on ground transportation within a 180 mile radius of Portland. Travel by air, boat, or rail will be an additional expense. Pricing for special vacation packages (ie: Disneyland) will be higher. We also recommend travelers bring an additional $20-$40/day spending allowance for souvenirs, etc. (Actual costs will vary based on fluctuating fuel prices, etc.)

Trip Length                           Estimated Cost per Traveler

                                               1 Person  2 People  3 People
1/2 Day                                  $450         $400         $350
1 Day                                     $500         $450         $400
2 Day/1 Night                      $1300       $1100       $950
3 Day/2 Night                      $1700       $1500       $1300
4 Day/3 Night                      $2200       $2000       $1800
5 Day/4 Night                      $2600       $2400       $2100

A 50% deposit is required to book a vacation. Remaining 50% will be due 30 days before vacation is taken, unless other payment arrangements have been made. Cancellations will incur a 15% fee. No refund for event tickets, airfare, and (in some cases) lodging. Airlines will usually credit a voucher for future travel, however.